Sunday, June 28, 2009


Why does it seem like when your feeling down. Your friends life's seem so much better? Don't get me wrong here I know that I'm blessed. I have a HEALTHY, VIBRANT, BEAUTIFUL daughter. I've finally graduated college, um... what else is there to say? I just hope I can get a job so that I can better my daughters life as well as mine. It just seems that everyone else's lifes are going just swimmingly. A lot of my friends are going on exciting adventures like going to NYC, going to Disneyworld, getting married, having children or getting prepaired to do the last 3! Maybe it's the green eyed monster rearing it's ugly head? GOSH I HOPE NOT! I just am feeling like I'm all alone and I'm not doing as good of a job as I should! OH JUST SHUT UP TANYA AND PULL UP THOSE BIG GIRL GARMENTS!!! Whew ~ sorry all it's a downer blog today:( I hope my attitude will be better soon!!!